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70cm band portable Moxon-SAT antenna

the BNC connector is pressed in the tube. it fits, no need to glue
the Moxon is a 2 element Yagi-Uda with more gain than a classic 2 element Yagi
i used coathanger wire, hot glue, elektro instalation tube, shrinking tube, RG58, and a BNC connector.
i found out that this antenna outperformes the io-antenna . it is smaler and has no spikes that you can sick in somebodys eyes exidently. this antenna is realy lightwight
RG58 goes to the top element ( radiator ) inside the plastic tube, its soldered to the elemnet outside of the tube for mecanical reason. no balun is used. the radiator wires are bent 90 degrees inside the tube to form a 5mm hook. that holds the radiator wire in place, against sliping out of hte tube. the top section is filled up with hot glue for the same reason.
the element ends are bent back 90 degrees in Moxon style, i placed small pieces of wire insulation inside the shrinking tube. that holds the element tips in the right distace.
standing wave ratio at 435 MHz. at the lower edge of the 70cm band VSWR is 1:1


70cm moxon from SM 5 JAB

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dl4xav 2012